
Recent and current Center co-directors have taught courses in Anthropology, History, and Music.

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ANTH-319-01 Understandings of Puerto Rico


分布要求: Meets Social Sciences and Global Requirements

课程描述一个以有限的政治地位和主要的美国侨民为独特特征的岛屿, 美国.S. 在2017年毁灭性的飓风María和2019年总督被驱逐的“Verano Boricua”之后,波多黎各联邦再次成为全国关注的主题, 里卡多Rossello. 本课程以其自身的术语来拷问波多黎各文化——从传统的身份形成定义转向当代的批评,在持续的气候和经济不稳定中,以历史上被边缘化的社区为中心. Students will work hands-on analyzing diverse (im)material 文化生产s, originating from the island and stateside diasporas. Students will engage with 波多黎各 cultural workers as they develop new, critical understandings of the island’s cultural legacy and its future.


教练(s)DiVietro, Susan

分布要求: 符合社会科学要求

课程描述: This course explores the diverse lives of women of 加勒比海. 我们将从女性和权力的女权主义理论开始,追溯这些理解是如何随着时间的推移而出现和变化的. 我们将使用民族志来研究女性在历史和当代加勒比环境中的生活,并探索女权主义和加勒比人类学的主要理论方法. We will analyze how women’s experiences have been shaped by multiple forces, 包括奴隶制和奴隶解放, fertility and constructs of motherhood, 性别与暴力, 种族和身份, 旅游与性工作, 疾病和贫穷, 全球化, 和劳动.

FYSM 165-01- Story Mapping Colonialism


分布要求: Meets First Year Seminar Requirement

课程描述: Current story mapping programs enable one to construct digital narratives that combine text, 图片, video, 图表, 图, 等. This seminar focuses on story mapping colonialism in 加勒比海. Students will first become familiar with the general history of colonialism in 加勒比海. 学生们会, 个人或团队, 以一个特定的加勒比社会为重点,目的是绘制相关的故事地图,叙述欧洲殖民该社会的相关历史. 该研讨会不需要事先有任何故事绘图工具的经验,也不需要事先对殖民主义或加勒比地区进行任何研究.

FYSM-145-01- Puerto Rico and 加勒比海


分布要求: Meets First Year Seminar Requirement

课程描述: This course provides a grounding in the complexities and nuances that make up Caribbean society, 特别关注波多黎各及其作为美国未合并领土的独特地位. We will look at Puerto Rico and 加勒比海 region through the lens of history, 文化生产, 科学进步. 我们将挑战关于加勒比地区的既定刻板印象,并获得对当今加勒比地区及其侨民的理解. We will consider what commonalities link the greater Caribbean region. The course will include guest speakers as well as hands-on workshops. It will be taught in col劳动ation with the 加勒比研究中心.

HIST-236-01 Understanding Latin America & 加勒比海

老师: Euraque,达里奥

分布要求: Meets Humanities and Global Requirements

课程描述: 这门跨学科课程探讨了与拉丁美洲和加勒比地区社会和文化有关的重大历史主题和当代文化和政治主题. 我们的目标是让学生对拉丁美洲和加勒比地区有一个全面的了解,并向他们介绍在高年级课程中更深入探讨的各种问题. We will address questions of demography and geography, basic historical periods and processes, particular anthropological and cultural debates, fundamental political and gender issues, sociological approaches to daily life, 审美和文学运动, and the regions’ positions within the historical and contemporary world economy.


老师: Aponte-Aviles, 援助ali

分布要求: Meets Humanities and Global Requirements

课程描述:本课程旨在让信誉最好的网投十大平台的学生与哈特福德地区庞大而多样化的西班牙语社区进行积极和知情的对话. The course will help student recognize and analyze the distinct national histories (e.g. 秘鲁, 波多黎各, 智利, 洪都拉斯, 古巴, 哥伦比亚, 和墨西哥人),这些人对城市和整个美国东北部地区的西班牙裔侨民做出了贡献. 学生将进行实地项目,旨在研究跨国移民对城市文化的影响, 制度建设, 以及身份的形成.


 老师: Galm,埃里克


课程描述: Emphasis is on the study and performance of the Brazilian samba drumming tradition. Related musical styles 和音乐al genres are also included. Previous performance experience is not required, and students may take this course for more than one semester. Membership by permission of the instructor. Also listed under International Studies – Latin American and Caribbean.

HISP-306-01 Literature, Film, Music Hispanic Caribbean

 老师: 特,普里西拉

分布要求: Meets Humanities and Global Requirements

课程描述通过对电影的研究, 文学作品, 和音乐 of the Hispanic Caribbean (Cuba, 多米尼加共和国, Puerto Rico) the course explores major political concepts rooted in the struggles against slavery, racism and colonialism that have given 加勒比海 its sense of identity. 该课程(以西班牙语进行)分析了该地区从二十世纪早期到现在的艺术生产,帮助学生了解文化, 社会, 政治上的挑战, 挫折, 以及拉美裔加勒比人的胜利,将其复杂的现实与哈特福德加勒比裔人口的经历联系起来, CT.



 分布要求: Meets Humanities and Global Requirements

 课程描述: The location of the first encounter, 征服, and colonization of Native American peoples by Europeans, 加勒比海 became a center of bitter rivalries between European imperial powers, and later in the 20th century a new, premiere location of 美国nited States’ own imperial thrust. 加勒比相对于大西洋贸易路线的战略位置及其热带气候和肥沃的土壤是形成这些帝国对抗以及该地区出现的殖民和后殖民社会的关键因素. This course will introduce students to these and other aspects of Caribbean history, 来自前欧洲时代, through the epics of the Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) and the 古巴 Revolution of 1959, 直到现在.

HIST-256-01- Human Rights in Latin America & 加勒比海

老师: Euraque,达里奥

 分布要求: Meets Humanities and Global Requirements

课程描述在20世纪70年代和80年代, thousands of people were “disappeared,” tortured and murdered in Latin America and 加勒比海, mostly by military regimes and by para-military death-squads. 这一时期往往被认为可能是该地区现代滥用“人权”的最低点. 本课程探讨了这些核心概念和人权在美洲历史上是如何在理论和实践中演变的.

HISP-263-01- Latin American Culture I


分布要求: Meets Humanities and Global Requirements

课程描述: 这门课程考察历史, 社会, and cultures of the various regions that today are known as Latin America. The course moves from the major pre-Columbian civilizations, through the first encounter between Europe and these peoples, the subsequent 征服 and colonization, and the first manifestations of the desire for independence. 本课程将特别关注这些不同地区和时期的人们如何通过艺术探索他们的社会和政治问题, 文学, 和音乐.

INTS-376-01- Latin American Politics


分布要求: 符合社会科学要求

课程描述: The course examines the processes of political, economic and 社会 change that took place in Latin America in the XX and XIX Century. Topics include: the rise of populism and import-substituting industrialization, revolutions and revolutionary movements, the causes and consequences of military rule, 经济改革的政治, 民主转型, 大宗商品繁荣, 然后左转. 对于每个主题,我们将回顾经典的政治学理论,并批判性地评估其在拉丁美洲国家的适用性. 我们还将讨论可以从拉丁美洲案例中吸取的教训,以供世界其他地区研究这些主题.



 分布要求: 符合人文学科要求

课程描述: 我们将研究从20世纪初到现在,美国拉丁裔和拉丁裔人的城市政治激进主义的出现和演变. 我们将从美国的影响开始.S imperial expansion and colonialism (1848-present), and then track the emergence of Pan-Latinx identities and political coalitions between Latinx, 非裔美国人, 以及其他种族群体. Topics include urban political manifestations of the following: civil rights movements, 劳动, 还有学生运动, struggles for gender and sexual liberation, 移民政策, 公民身份, 投票权, 选举代表, 文化公民身份, 城市更新, 中产阶级化, 还有“进入城市的权利”.“这门课程探讨了过去和现在政治激进主义与城市政策和规划相互作用的不同城市,以考虑公平的替代方案.

POLS-347-01- The Politics of Race in Latin America

 老师: 加布里埃尔·萨尔加多

分布要求: Meets Social Sciences and Global Requirements

课程描述本课程着重于在整个20世纪形成了对拉丁美洲种族的主要理解的主要概念:梅斯蒂扎伊人, the interpretation of Latin American racial identity as one of mixture; indigenismo, the emphasis on indigeneity as constitutive of racial identity in Latin America; and racial democracy, 认为拉丁美洲(尤其是巴西)较高的异族通婚率反映了种族关系和谐的历史. In addition to these three concepts, 我们将调查与该区域种族有关的当前问题,例如为土著人民制定新的权利和承认非裔拉丁美洲人民的运动.